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Life path Coaching Through the Horses’ Eyes


My name is Christine Tupper, I am the creator and founder of the Centre for Well-Being and Self Discovery Through the Horses’ eyes, Shamanica Ranch.



My Life Experience

Very young, I had a passion for horses, I loved their presence, caressing them and listening to them. My ability to understand the non-verbal behaviour of these animals, as well as to hear their whispers in my ears, was the defining moment of my life as an adult.


I acquired my experience in equine ethology by studying the behaviour of more than 45 horses living in herds on my ranch for nearly three decades. As they set hoofs on my ranch, complicity, and a communication of trust were already established because all the horses have been carefully selected without coincidence over the years.


Having developed a keen sense of observation of the non-verbal language of horses, led me to develop my technique of approaching them according to their teachings in a gentle and respectful manner.


My passions are not limited to horses; I have over 40 years of experience in alternative holistic health and wellness.


In 2003, by combining my passion for horses and their teachings with my holistic perspective of coaching people who wish to optimize their well-being  “Self Discovery through the horses’ eyes™" an equine-assisted mindfulness technique came to be. My approach is unique with a technique composed of personalized programs that originated from a coaching method facilitated by my herd of horses that I developed to meet your needs in the healing process of the soul and heart.


I've also always had a great passion for the well-being that nature brings us through its panoply of plants and herbs. Guided by Lilianne Bergeron Croteau Naturopath, she opened a door for me by teaching me the lexicon of medicinal plants. From 1998 onward, she accompanied me for three years, always making sure that I had fully assimilated the properties of plants through their compositions and uses. Even today, 20 years after her passing, I'm grateful for all the precious knowledge she transmitted to me.


In 2004, I discovered essential oils for my personal use and that of my horses and chickens. To improve my knowledge in the field of natural wellness, I decided to take aromatherapy courses with Carolann Durand N.D.A. and veterinarian Dr. Janet Roark DVM. To learn more about essential oils to better accompany you and your furry companions.

You will discover how to release your limiting beliefs to facilitate the realization and achievement of your goals, and to regain balance in your daily life.


We will guide you to own your personal or professional power and find the tools you need to put into place the changes within you.



Christine Tupper - Wellness Coach
Christine Tupper- Écurie Shamanica
aromatherapy consultant
MayBelle and Velours


Birth of Velours May 18 1994

My human team

Velours has been my greatest inspiration, teaching me the universal gestural communication of horses. She has guided me in the creation of the programs and workshops I offer to accompany you on your life paths.

Velours and Velvet


Birth of Velvet June 7 2002

©2003 - 2023 Écurie Shamanica / Shamanica Centre Well-Being & Self-Discovery Through the Horses' Eyes / Aromatherapy / Coaching / Christine Tupper

Well-being Shamanica Stables│Workshops with the horses│Coaching facilitated through the horses│Laurentides, QuébecCentre de Bien-être Écurie Shamanica│Ateliers avec les chevaux│Coaching facilité par le cheval│Laurentides, Québec │PNL │Soins énergétiques │Communication animale │Aromathérapie│Aromathérapie pour animaux│Coaching│Coach de vie│Anthropanimal│Découverte en soi│Bien-être│Soins énergétiques pour animaux│consultante doTerra│Huiles essentielles │PNL assistée par les chevaux│Ateliers mieux-être│Ateliers aromathérapie│Pouvoirs féminin│chevaux bien-être│Méditation avec chevaux│Méditer avec cheval│Méditation│cheval│chevaux│Ethologie équine│Écurie Shamanica│

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