Note that the word healing is not used in the proper medical sense that belongs to the lexicon of the College of Physicians. The word healing in this text is used in its vulgar dictionary definition to describe a personal realization of healing the inner wounds.
Meditation, Well-Being and Inner Awareness Through the Horses' Eyes™

Coaching with horses on a whole new level to discover the root of your blockages and how to free yourself from them.
I invite you to live this unique experience of well-being that will transform your life.
Through the teachings I have received from my horses over the years, I have developed a technique to help my clients discover their potential, to achieve their ambitions and to shine.
The horses are the true conductors, so the course of a session differs from one person to another.
Self-Discovery is an in-depth work to help people from all walks of life who are facing difficulties or obstacles in their daily lives.
Imagine being welcomed by a herd of horses that will voluntarily accompany you, to experience healing, an awakening, and support in front of different situations that prevent you from moving forward without constraints and thus take back your power.
This approach allows you to centre yourself and invite you to listen to your being and your needs. It is also the moment for you to learn to receive what my horses have to transmit to you.
How can a coaching session with horses help you?
The horses play a very important role during the sessions, where many of the questions you may have will be answered. Each horse represents a part of our life, our ambitions, our fears, our way of seeing life and who we are. As soon as we enter their world, the healing begins. The horses that assist you do so voluntarily to guide you in the healing process.
As much as it is a team effort, during a session a particular horse may accompany you to help you understand and regain wellness within yourself. Together, we will get to the root of the limiting issues to help you heal from within, find tools and even achieve leadership in your professional and personal life.
All work is done on the floor. No experience is required.
"Animals are the mirror of our emotional state, their behavior is guided by an invisible form of energy, I will never cease to be amazed, they make us see the invisible." Ulrike Dietmann
Through the Horses' Eyes
One-on-one consultations
The Exploration
The first step towards Self-Discovery. This is a time to stop and explore and discover how you can transform your life.
Orchestrated by the horses according to the energy you give off, they can lead you to :
Release blockages that are holding you back and preventing you from moving forward with ease in your personal and professional life.
Better position yourself in the face of certain events.
Develop your innate strengths and talents.
At the end of the session, you'll leave with answers and inner peace.
Length of session 2 h 1/2
Made to Measure (personalized)
This program is designed to find out what beliefs or obstacles are preventing you from moving forward with ease in your personal and professional life. The coaching session takes place both with and without the horses.
You'll gain a deeper understanding of:
What you are feeding in yourself unconsciously, voluntarily, by projection or by repression.
The importance of being clear in your non-verbal communication.
What hinders your ability to achieve your goals – your leadership!
They lead you to become aware of your being and your space
This meeting is 5 hours (lunch break), plus 2 follow-up calls of 45 minutes each.
The Ultimate (personalized)
This program of several meetings over a period of six months is specially designed to achieve the desired result, is entirely dedicated to you reach your goal. You'll experience how to free yourself from limitations, how to let go, how to express yourself and how to live in harmony with yourself in your personal and professional life.
We will work closely together, and you will experience changes in your being in such a way that it will manifest itself positively in the people around you.
You will receive guidance from the horses to perceive and experience how to release, how to let go, and how to express yourself in the verbal and non-verbal.
The shutters will open for more clarity in your daily life.
You will experience positive transformations in all environments and at all levels.
You will witness and enjoy the benefits of well-being.
Because horses live in the present moment, they will manifest according to the energy you give off, so they will know what needs to be healed in you. Throughout the sessions, the horses can accompany you. Everything is done with respect for the human being as well as for the horses and other animals that come to you.
Point Zero
A series of 4 sessions
I believe that everyone deserves to live a fulfilled, happy life aligned with their authentic self. I believe we all have incredible potential within us but are often blocked by our fears, limiting beliefs and negative emotions. Point Zero is here to help you reconnect to your essence, free yourself from all that clutters you, and align with your true nature. With my energetic coaching work and the teachings of the horses, we'll explore how to give you the tools you need to be well-centred for a balanced grounding. Join us on this transformative adventure and let the horses accompany you on your path to Point Zero.
"When you do things from your soul, you feel a river flowing through you, a joy”. – Rumi
Express your Feminine Power
A series of 4 meetings to accompany you in the liberation of your feminine forces.
If you are on a path that no longer serves you or if your inner voice is stifled by beliefs that hold you back, awaken your fears and pain; enter this journey where:
You will LEARN how to release and strengthen a state of being that is right for you and feels like you.
You will IDENTIFY the limiting beliefs that have been instilled in you, consciously and unconsciously.
You will CREATE your life around the mission your HEART desires.
You will SHINE and take back your POWER to succeed on your life's journey.
You will allow yourself to BE, simply by regaining your autonomy, your sovereignty, and your freedom.
What are the limiting beliefs that prevent you from expressing your leadership?
Point Zero, with Christine Tupper, the horses and the other participants, was for me a medium for tapping into my dormant resources, an inspiration for transforming my weaknesses into strengths. It was a place for sharing and listening, and for meeting extraordinary people and horses.
With her extreme sensitivity, Christine (and the horses) offer personalized avenues for reflection, allowing each person to express themselves at their own pace.
Discussions that were both profound and marked by simplicity and femininity enabled exchanges and reflections between equals, women to women.
Christine's openness and adaptability, supported by the essential oils, gave me warmth and comfort.
At Ecurie Shamanica I found the power to decide to choose ME and to direct my life choices towards joy and happiness : ) Thank you, Christine,
Éliane L
More meetings may be necessary to achieve your desired goal.
Together, we will determine the frequency of the meetings according to your needs.

Remote consultations with horses
Wellness and Self-Discovery without being in the presence of my horses is possible
and unique to Shamanica Stables.
Remote coaching facilitated by the horses
This Remote Wellness and Self-Discovery consultation program through the Horses' Eyes™ has been developed and designed to establish your needs. It will guide you towards the solution to free yourself from what is preventing you from finding wellness within yourself.
Together, we work on the points that the horses have shared on your behalf to help you better resolve the unconscious or conscious holdbacks that are preventing you from achieving your goals on a day-to-day basis.
As part of this program, I will continue the process of the session with the horses as needed or as agreed upon.
Even from a distance, you will still benefit from the same results as if you were in the middle of the herd.
All coaching services are available remotely via Zoom!
Your Life Path Coach
I help people find their inner well-being and personal power by coaching them with my herd of horses that take them on a journey of healing and inner well-being. As horses perceive needs in real-time, each step unfolds to unlock their highest potential to reach their personal goals with new tools for a better life.
Working with the wisdom of my herd since 2003.
Certified NLP and AnthroPaNimaL© Practitioner
Certified Practitioner in the ThetaHealing® technique
(Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Manifestation and Abundance)
Specialist in Aromatherapy

Lily D
I have known Shamanica Stables and Christine Tupper for 8 years now.
Since these 8 years, I have lived many experiences, spiritual states, soul healing, body and spirit that I cannot describe everything!
First, be aware that when arriving at Shamanica Stables, something immediately happens.
Time stops, and calm, nature and fullness invade us. There is a magical, soft and positive energy in her, an atmosphere as unique and as difficult to describe.
The best is definitely to live it by offering yourself this impalpable, inexplicable but so strong experience.
Nathalie B
Thank you, Christine, for your assistants, you're listening during the first contact, the reception, and the receptivity
The place exudes an atmosphere of harmony, love, well-being, and respect.
Your approach is very different; it is personalized and attentive to our needs. Even if there is a program and a goal to achieve, it's all done at the pace of the person and not according to a rigid plan. The coaching is personalized because it is the horse or the horses that choose us and volunteer during a consultation.
Horses are wonderful messengers and therapists who unite to ensure a result even after a first meeting.
You manage in all simplicity to put words to our ills.
Isabelle Lefebvre coach
I discovered the centre through one of my clients who had just returned from the experience. I had a vision for several months of horses and Val-David, and I didn't know why until my client spoke to me about their services.
A very nice warm welcome, I felt safe. I was apprehensive about the horses because even though I find them beautiful, I was not familiar with them. My first impression when I saw them was that I was moved, my eyes filled with water in front of all the wisdom that was coming out of them, and that I was expected to work with them.
I loved the experience, the messages the horses had for me were just wow, and afterwards, I worked with other people, and other approaches and everything was validating. The end was a special moment for me as well as my meeting with Alyssia and Sunny.
It was perfect, beyond my expectations.
Before arriving, I was wondering how it would go, but as I was releasing things, the horses were changing places. As if the scene was changing according to what was going on inside me, like a mirror reflecting the inner liberation that was taking place. At the end, I felt at peace, liberated and confident for the future.
What was released on the spot remained. Messages are coming back to me. I feel connected to them even though it's over.
I discovered Shamanica Stables through a friend. It was after listening to her experience that I immediately wanted to live the experience myself!
So I signed up for the individual program “Self Discovery”. I was going through a difficult time in my relationship, and I felt disconnected from myself.
As soon as I arrived, the energy of the place and the horses was tangible! Christine's welcome touched me enormously.
How can I describe in words the magic that happens with horses? The incredible connection between them and Christine… The physical sensations and emotions that rise when a horse approaches you! And when Christine reveals the horse's message… To watch them move towards you or away… To see their interaction and have Christine name the horse's name and healing mission… WOW! It all made sense!
And what a surprise towards the end, when Christine asked who had teachings for me, to see a horse clearly choose to come to us! I had two horses teach me! What an experience! To lead them and take their message… Inside me, it was shaking. I was overcoming fears, and connecting to my being...
I left calm, connected, and filled! I called my friend right away on the way home to share everything with her. I would relive moments like this every week if I could!
Jacques C
Here's a unique opportunity to rediscover the life forces you were given when you came to earth. Always in the spectre of discovering and fulfilling ourselves as we are, through the invisible communicative approach, lies within you and your innermost being all the balms for the soul. Smiles included. Your personal rediscovery is more than an experience.
A glance is above all, ONE, a silence… The eye is its reflection on matter. In this way, the mirror effect of the soul is born from the inner light. Christine and her life's work through her family of enchantment, of interconnection between us and what is true, offers us this priceless gift that irrefutably helps us on our personal journey. Thank you.
Remote consultations are available via Zoom or by telephone. The number of meetings is determined according to each person's needs. I invite you to contact me to make an appointment and to determine your personal, professional, or family needs.

"Coming out of the shadows may seem difficult, but once in the light, you realize it's feasible."
Christine Tupper
Note that the word healing is not used in the proper medical sense that belongs to the lexicon of the Order of Physicians. The word healing in this text is used in its vulgar dictionary definition to describe a personal realization of one's wounds.