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Mindfulness Workshops
An invitation to participate in transformative workshops

Enjoy a unique experience thanks to the presence of horses who volunteer to assist you throughout the ritual.

L'Éveil Intérieur- De Coeur à Âme-
Inner Awakening
From Heart to Soul

You are invited to live this unique and revealing experience. A workshop that will transform your life, make your inner self shine and bring your personal power to the fore.

Secrets of Succes and Changes -
Secrets to Success and Changes

What beliefs do you hold that prevent your manifestations

from being fulfilled?

You'll discover how to manifest to attract abundance, love,

and the changes you desire.

Shamanica - Point Zero©
Point Zero
through the horses' eyes

The world has changed! ​

This should not be a source of discouragement for you.


On the contrary, it is an opportunity for you to take charge of your life and realize your deepest dreams.


​ The horses will awaken in you the importance of building an intimate relationship with your

inner power.

Ateliers Découverte en Soi à travers les yeux des chevauxÉcurie Shamanica
Step into your feminine power

Are you up to the challenge?
To live out your role as a Woman Leader?
To express your Feminine Power???



Positively transform your leadership to make it

even more authentic and effective

Mindfulness Meditation
Guided Mindfulness Meditations

For an Awakening

Have you received a call from horses for an intimate encounter? 

Treat yourself to a moment of relaxation in their presence,

to meditate and connect with the Source itself,

to recharge your batteries among the horses.

LiliPod workshop
LiliPod© Youth

For the 17th year, the Shamanica Centre is offering its youth workshop through the horses' eyes, specially designed for young people aged 7 to 17. ​


A day that will remain anchored in each of them.


My connection with the horse

What does the horse convey to me?

Understand what I feel

What is transforming within me?

Atelier-Les couleurs de mon Univers
The Colors of my Universe

The Colours of My Universe

Put into action what lives within you, what guides you, what represents you, what surrounds you and what makes your Soul vibrate.

The Scent of my Essence

Let yourself be carried away by an aromatic meditation that will take you on an energetic and spiritual journey.


Christine DÖRR is founder of the Maka Wakan association and creator of the Équi-Constellation® concept. ​


It is with great honour that I will be receiving Christie DÖRR from France who will offer 2 stages in Equi-constellation® at Ecurie Shamanica.


​Group of 7 people (Constellants only)

3-day stage: August 24-25, 2024

Duration 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (daily) ​




Group of 7 people (Constellants only) COMPLETE

2-day stage: September 1- 2, 2024

Duration 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (daily)




To reserve your place, click below, I will send you the registration form.

I want to register

Note: For all group sessions :

to register :

to book your place, the payment is required in advance.

Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind allows. Whatever you believe, remember that you can do it.            
- Mary Kay Ash

Claude Dec 30, 2017

I had a calling to find myself near horses, a need to recharge my energy. I have been to equestrian centres without them really answering my call until I hear about your Shamanica Stables Centre. The people who spoke to me about you and your horses had only beautiful thoughts for you. I was attracted by the Meditation and inner awareness workshop through the horses' eyes, but as I waited too long, I had to wait until next spring to live the experience. I asked her if I could still come to get some energy among her horses, and that's when she told me about the workshop "For an awakening, a meditation among horses without interpretations" less in demand but offered year-round. I jumped on this occasion without any regrets. What I experienced in less than an hour was as if the horses had given me wings. The place, the horses, and Christine make a whole that one feels at the moment that one sets foot. Unique and sublime was my experience. Thank you, Christine, for conveying this precious message that your horses insisted that you share with me, I still do not understand how you manage to decipher their messages with as much precision just to watch them. Thank you, messenger horses, for allowing me to be in your midst and for having a real spiritual connection.

An experience like no other, just the fact of being among horses, already an inner peace sets in; nature, the place, the horses, and Christine, all unfolding in ultimate calm, Immediately next to the horses a sense of well-being is felt.
Breath after breath, the horses' messages are heard, and as surprising as it may be, the accuracy and the feeling of the horses towards the reason why we have chosen to work with them, becomes apparent.
Christine and her magnificent herd, help you to overcome, understand and work on whatever your challenge may be. The messages received are relevant and comforting.
I ended my experience more enriched, with a sense of well-being and an inner calm that I was looking for. An experience I won't soon forget.
Thank you, Christine, and your incredible team...your horses.
Mylène 2017


Dressing code:

Wear clothes that is suitable for the season and weather; sweater, raincoat, jacket, warm coat, hat, glove.

Only closed shoes such as: boots, running shoes are permitted at all times, any type or model of sandals or shoes are forbidden anywhere around the horses.

Carry with you sunscreen and bug repellent.

Code of ethics around the horses It is not permitted to carry food on the premises or to give treats to the horses.


I look forward to sharing with you. For further information, please go to the Contact Page.

Gift idea!

Offer a gift certificate applicable to any service offered at Shamanica!
What a great gift to give to a special person, who could very well be you!

©2003 - 2023 Écurie Shamanica / Shamanica Centre Well-Being & Self-Discovery Through the Horses' Eyes / Aromatherapy / Coaching / Christine Tupper

Well-being Shamanica Stables│Workshops with the horses│Coaching facilitated through the horses│Laurentides, QuébecCentre de Bien-être Écurie Shamanica│Ateliers avec les chevaux│Coaching facilité par le cheval│Laurentides, Québec │PNL │Soins énergétiques │Communication animale │Aromathérapie│Aromathérapie pour animaux│Coaching│Coach de vie│Anthropanimal│Découverte en soi│Bien-être│Soins énergétiques pour animaux│consultante doTerra│Huiles essentielles │PNL assistée par les chevaux│Ateliers mieux-être│Ateliers aromathérapie│Pouvoirs féminin│chevaux bien-être│Méditation avec chevaux│Méditer avec cheval│Méditation│cheval│chevaux│Ethologie équine│Écurie Shamanica│

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