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Youth Workshops


Discovery within through the horses' eyes™

I'm thrilled to announce the return of the LiliPod™ Workshop program for young people aged 7 to 17!


A unique and enriching one-day workshop on personal development, facilitated by my equine friends!


The workshop aims to offer young people a profound experience of self-discovery, exploring their inner space and awakening their often-suppressed inner strengths. All in a safe and stimulating environment, in the company of the horses.


My 17 years of professional and caring experience with young people offer a playful and interactive approach to helping them:


  •     Discover their inner self and true essence

  •     Explore their inner space and learn to respect it

  •     Awaken their inner strengths and untapped potential

  •     Develop essential skills such as self-confidence, communication and emotional management.


Through hands-on activities, reflective exercises and interaction with horses,

your child will have the opportunity to grow, learn and develop in a unique and meaningful way.



“Awaken your child's senses!”



The workshop is formed in groups of 4 youngsters for an enriching and fun-filled day!















How it works

The workshop will be from 10 h to 16 h divided into 2 parts:

1ʳᵉ part 10 am to12 pm


Lunch break


2ᵉ part 1 pm to 4 pm



Registrations  $140



What's not included

Everyone brings their lunch


Don't miss this unique opportunity to create magical memories with horses.


We look forward to welcoming your children to the LiliPod™ Workshop!






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Group 7 to 12 years old


- 14 août 2024



Group 13 to 17 years old


- 27 juillet 2024


©2003 - 2023 Écurie Shamanica / Shamanica Centre Well-Being & Self-Discovery Through the Horses' Eyes / Aromatherapy / Coaching / Christine Tupper

Well-being Shamanica Stables│Workshops with the horses│Coaching facilitated through the horses│Laurentides, QuébecCentre de Bien-être Écurie Shamanica│Ateliers avec les chevaux│Coaching facilité par le cheval│Laurentides, Québec │PNL │Soins énergétiques │Communication animale │Aromathérapie│Aromathérapie pour animaux│Coaching│Coach de vie│Anthropanimal│Découverte en soi│Bien-être│Soins énergétiques pour animaux│consultante doTerra│Huiles essentielles │PNL assistée par les chevaux│Ateliers mieux-être│Ateliers aromathérapie│Pouvoirs féminin│chevaux bien-être│Méditation avec chevaux│Méditer avec cheval│Méditation│cheval│chevaux│Ethologie équine│Écurie Shamanica│

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