Through the Eyes of my Horses
Who are my horses that accompany you on the path toward getting back your inner well-being?
They are horses born of a passion to help humans, who have chosen to share with me this unique and magical mission.
Once we cross the barriers, we enter the territory of the horses. Already the horses look at us, observe us, and an exchange of energy takes place.
Your therapists
A session with the horses

"The horse teaches man the mastery of himself, and the ability to penetrate into the thoughts and sensations of other living being." ~ Alois Podhajskyntre
Catherine Jan 24, 2018
Hi Christine, I came to your home for a wonderful session with your beautiful horses about 3-4 years ago. We also had a guided mediation together afterwards. I admire a lot the work you do; you are a source of inspiration. And my afternoon spent at your centre will remain engraved in my memory forever.
Thank you again for your great generosity to you and your beautiful gang :)

Note that the word healing is not used in the proper medical sense that belongs to the lexicon of the College of Physicians. The word healing in this text is used in its vulgar dictionary definition to describe a personal realization of healing the inner wounds.