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Through the Eyes of my Horses

Who are my horses that accompany you on the path toward getting back your inner well-being?

They are horses born of a passion to help humans, who have chosen to share with me this unique and magical mission.


Once we cross the barriers, we enter the territory of the horses. Already the horses look at us, observe us, and an exchange of energy takes place.

Your therapists

A session with the horses

Coaching facilitated with horses.

"The horse teaches man the mastery of himself, and the ability to penetrate into the thoughts and sensations of other living being."      ~ Alois Podhajskyntre

                            Catherine Jan 24, 2018




Hi Christine, I came to your home for a wonderful session with your beautiful horses about 3-4 years ago. We also had a guided mediation together afterwards. I admire a lot the work you do; you are a source of inspiration. And my afternoon spent at your centre will remain engraved in my memory forever.

Thank you again for your great generosity to you and your beautiful gang :)

Découverte en Soi 2014

Velvet is Velours filly born June 7th 2002 Within the first hours following her birth, she was rushed to the veterinary hospital. She knows how to comfort you.

Sexy Lynn

Sexy Lynn is a PMU Rescue, born in April 2002 She arrived at the ranch on October 8th 2002. With Sexy Lynn it's all about “Life is a game, no matter where you stand in society.”


Téquil'la is a PMU Rescue born in May 2002. He arrived at the ranch on October 8th 2002 His mission is to teach you how to not fear what life presents you.

Alyssia Blue Key

Alyssia is a PMU Rescue, born in May 2002. She arrived at the ranch on October 8th 2002. Her mission is to bring you to connect with your inner self.

Sunny Dee Light

Sunny is a PMU Rescue born in April 2002. He arrived at the ranch on October 8th 2002 His mission is to guide you into the present.

Sweetie (Sweet O Reo)

Sweetie is a PMU Rescue born in April 2002. She arrived at the ranch on October 8th 2002. Her mission is to teach you how to take your space.


She was born in 2009 Lily is my sweet donkey, I adopted her in October 2013 Lily represents the “ME”, she will show me where you stand and what options are offered to you.

Cinderella (Cindy)

Born in 2007, she is the youngest mare in the herd. Cindy arrived here in 2016 She just knows how to bring you to identify what you need to know.

Alègria - throughthehorseseyes

Alègria is an orphaned PMU Rescue born in April 2002. She arrived at the ranch on October 8th 2002 She had been adopted back in 2006, to then return to her herd in 2023. Her mission is to teach that nothing is lost and to make peace with the past.


Judy was born in 1993 She is a visitor at the ranch since 2016 She teaches us the importance to express ourselves.


In memory of MayBelle 1976 - 2011 She arrived at the ranch in July 1993. She was my confident. She gave birth to a beautiful filly named Velours on May 18th 1994. She was my mentor along with Brume. She taught the knowledge of wisdom.


In memory of Brume, 1984 - 2012 Brume arrived at the ranch in July 1993 She was my mentor along with MayBelle who taught me to trust what I already knew about horses. Her mission was to teach you how to listen to your inner voice.

Twilight Mood

In memory of Twilight May 2002 - May 2015 Twilight was a PMU Rescue, I adopted her with 8 other colts and fillies which all arrived in October 2002. She was my inspiration to creating my program 9 SENSES© aka Twilight Mood.


In memory of Mandy 1993 - Sept 17 2021 Mandy was born in 1993 I adopted her in June 2017 along with her best friend Laïka. She will guide you to see what is being put into place for you.

New Look

In memory of New Look Feb 2001 - Dec 26 2021 New Look is a retired jumper due to injuries. Born in 2001 I adopted him in October 2013 New Look knows how to gently bring you through the changes that occur in your life.


In memory of Velours May 18 1994 - Feb 26 2022 Velours was born here on the ranch on May 18th 1994 her mom was MayBelle She is the leader mare of the herd. It is with Velours that I developed my unique technique to work with horses. She taught me the most gentle way to work with horses using only body language. It's all about body language


In memory of Laïka June 2003 - Nov. 28 2023 I adopted her along with her best friend Mandy in June 2017 Laïka spoke about freedom, and now she is free.

Kaisy or Daisy

Kaisy was born in 2006. She was a visitor here from 2016 through 2023. She retired to another ranch and is no longer part of the team. She taught you how to get back your self-esteem.

Note that the word healing is not used in the proper medical sense that belongs to the lexicon of the College of Physicians. The word healing in this text is used in its vulgar dictionary definition to describe a personal realization of healing the inner wounds.

©2003 - 2023 Écurie Shamanica / Shamanica Centre Well-Being & Self-Discovery Through the Horses' Eyes / Aromatherapy / Coaching / Christine Tupper

Well-being Shamanica Stables│Workshops with the horses│Coaching facilitated through the horses│Laurentides, QuébecCentre de Bien-être Écurie Shamanica│Ateliers avec les chevaux│Coaching facilité par le cheval│Laurentides, Québec │PNL │Soins énergétiques │Communication animale │Aromathérapie│Aromathérapie pour animaux│Coaching│Coach de vie│Anthropanimal│Découverte en soi│Bien-être│Soins énergétiques pour animaux│consultante doTerra│Huiles essentielles │PNL assistée par les chevaux│Ateliers mieux-être│Ateliers aromathérapie│Pouvoirs féminin│chevaux bien-être│Méditation avec chevaux│Méditer avec cheval│Méditation│cheval│chevaux│Ethologie équine│Écurie Shamanica│

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