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Personal Growth


Secrets to Success & Change

Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall?

Feel like you aren’t achieving your potential?

Do you feel like something is missing in your daily life?


If you are walking a path that no longer serves you WELL and if the voice inside you is muffled with beliefs that are holding you back, overwhelming you with fear and pain; STEP into this journey where:


-You will MASTER how to release and strengthen a state of being that is relevant to you.

-You will identify the limiting beliefs that have been instilled, stopping you from being you.

-You will CREATE your life around the mission your heart desires for you.

-You will SHINE and get back your powers to succeed in the journey of your path.

How to overcome the barriers that prevent you from reaching

your goals and achieving your destiny?



After hearing so many women struggle to achieve their goals, I decided to structure this program around empowering yourself and harnessing your femininity. My clients who have already gone through this program can’t praise it enough! Join me in helping you find yourself again. Let us help you bring joy and structure back into your life.

I know because that is my story. And that's the story of many women I know. For more than four decades, I have dedicated my life to understanding this energy in women. I have worked with women experiencing the same problem and phenomenon: we feel something is alive, something very important that wakes up in us, but we do not know how to reach it.


an INTIMATE relationship with your FEMININE POWER.

To be that Empowered WOMAN who walks tall in her shoes!

When you awaken your FEMININE POWER, the gap between the possibility that you feel for yourself and how life appeared quickly disappears.

No matter what you want to change or accomplish, the secrets of success are attainable!


I will accompany you to express your “I AM A WOMAN LEADER” with the assistance of my equine therapists!

Here you are surrounded by my herd of horses, welcoming you without judgment, ready to teach you how to express your full leadership potential.

Each horse represents a part of your life, your ambitions, your fears, and your way of seeing life.

The horses help you discover the importance of being aware of your being and your space to build an intimate relationship with your feminine power.


A discovery to better understand :

  • What you are feeding in yourself unconsciously, voluntarily, by projection or by repression.


  • The importance of being clear in non-verbal communication.


  • What hinders your ability to reach your goals….your leadership

Together we will look for the limiting strain to help you find answers and even reach your leadership at all levels.

               This program is the key to how to transform what you are about to initiate to unleash your feminine power!


  • 1: A clearer vision of how to achieve and manifest what you want in your life. The more accurate it is, the more successful you will get.


  • 2: How to discover the pitfalls that sabotage your success towards your goals. When you discover the beliefs that prevent you from moving in the direction you want to go, the changes are put in place for you.


  • 3: To have a new perspective on what you want in your life. Many people keep the internal debates about what they want within them, so they don't get a perspective from outside.


  • 4: You will leave this program renewed and inspired to transform your life as you want it.

When you create from your FEMININE POWER, you can effortlessly tap into the power to create authentic confidence, values-aligned prosperity, higher purpose, thriving relationships, optimal health and well-being, greater impact, and more.

And what emerged from this exploration is simply astounding. You’ll discover that by honouring the feminine qualities and energies that make us women, you will open up an infinite source of power that you never knew existed within you.

  • You become organically connected to the deepest truth of who you are.

  • You begin to live and discover your higher goal.

  • You feel a sense of genuine confidence in your ability to attract and generate the resources you need to thrive.

  • Your relationships begin to reflect and match your values.

  • You express your gifts not only for your own expression but in a way received, appreciated and pursued. That makes an impact on others.

  • You begin to feel spiritually connected and listen to your own inner compass.

  • You allow your family, partner, children, and community to come forward, thrive and prosper.


When you release your FEMININE POWER, the only thing I'm sure of is that the possibilities you feel in your clearest moments, for who you are and what your life could be, are real. In fact, your destiny is greater than you can imagine.



The opportunity you have to SUCCEED has never been greater.

The truth is, life doesn't happen to you.

Life answers to you!

You want to...

  • -  Create a career that honours your vocation to make a difference.

  • -  Be in a relationship where you can be yourself.

  • -  Take advantage of the success you've already achieved to have a wider impact on people.


Start with YOU, by giving yourself this gift, you will also give your family, your partner, your children, and your community the opportunity to manifest, thrive and prosper!


Throughout this program, you will discover the what, why and how. You will be guided not only by me but also by my team of equine therapists. My horses are true partners with me and know exactly how to guide you to transform and awaken your highest potential to SHINE and SUCCEED on this journey.

Today is the birth of the LEADER in you!

Melanie Racicot

When I began this program, over time I quickly realized what this program brought into my daily life. I was suddenly different at work. I felt a lot more confident and the management of my staff was much better. Even my posture had changed, I looked people straight in the eye and looked more at the surrounding people. On a personal level, I also noticed a lot of changes. I was suddenly able to put my limits, I will not hide that respecting my limits caused some waves. I understood over time that it is impossible not to create movement when we make changes in our lives to the delight of our personal needs.



Mylene Trudelle

An experience like no other, just being among the horses, already an internal peace is taking hold; nature, the place, the horses, and Christine, the whole takes place in an ultimate calm, immediately well-being is felt. Freeing myself of beliefs that were sabotaging my advancements in my professional life, I was given tools to make things happen and the reason why we chose to work with them is why the changes happen. Working with Christine and her beautiful herd helps to overcome, understand, and work on whatever your challenge is. The messages received are relevant and comforting.  I finished my experience richer, a sense of well-being and the internal calm that I was looking for.  An experience I won't soon forget.  Thank you, Christine, and, your amazing team...your horses.

It's 4 days of intense experiential coaching where you will:

  • - Work on how to free what is stopping you to express your feminine Leadership

  • - Develop your authentic feminine power forces

  • - Positively transform your leadership to make it even more authentic and efficient

  • - Discover the importance of the authenticity of the nonverbal through the horses' eyes

You will leave with the proper tools to reach your goals

Are you ready to take on this challenge?

To own your role as the Woman Leader??

To express your Feminine Power ???

Your investment $1750.00

These meetings take place one-on-one so that you can achieve your goals of being in your feminine power.

This program includes:

One-on-One Coaching

Experiential coaching with horses

PDF Worksheet

No experience is required to work with the horses, it's all groundwork



I invite you to continue your journey according to the goals you want to achieve.
This program is also available through Zoom.

You would like to organize a group of 4 to 6 women on a journey to express their feminine powers? 

It is possible! Contact me to organize and reserve the dates.

Prices may change without further notice


I’m Christine Tupper, creator of Stepping into your Feminine Power Program which helps women who struggle to unveil their incredible gifts by doing what they love most in life, and to succeed to create their life path with their unique genius, and make a difference in this world. / STEPPING INTO YOUR FEMININE POWER© Program / Secrets to Success & Change©  2023

©2003 - 2023 Écurie Shamanica / Shamanica Centre Well-Being & Self-Discovery Through the Horses' Eyes / Aromatherapy / Coaching / Christine Tupper

Well-being Shamanica Stables│Workshops with the horses│Coaching facilitated through the horses│Laurentides, QuébecCentre de Bien-être Écurie Shamanica│Ateliers avec les chevaux│Coaching facilité par le cheval│Laurentides, Québec │PNL │Soins énergétiques │Communication animale │Aromathérapie│Aromathérapie pour animaux│Coaching│Coach de vie│Anthropanimal│Découverte en soi│Bien-être│Soins énergétiques pour animaux│consultante doTerra│Huiles essentielles │PNL assistée par les chevaux│Ateliers mieux-être│Ateliers aromathérapie│Pouvoirs féminin│chevaux bien-être│Méditation avec chevaux│Méditer avec cheval│Méditation│cheval│chevaux│Ethologie équine│Écurie Shamanica│

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