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Well-Being and Inner Wellness

The Colours of My Universe


An inner journey

Mindful meditation


couleur Stain

You're invited to live an experience of connection with yourself!


Find out what drives you!


A spiritual journey to discover!



You will:

- Live a unique and revealing experience

- Broaden your horizons, and you're understanding of how your heart, soul and mind are connected



The Colours of My Universe


Do you ever feel like you are between two parallels, to be there without really being there?

Looking for answers,


Questioning yourself day after day with what you identify with,


Wanting to know the true colours that illuminate you,


Today, you will discover your Universe according to your colours, which connects you to your reality.


You will instill what inhabits you, what guides you, what represents you, what surrounds you and what makes your soul vibrate.



On-site in the heart of nature surrounded by the horses



This workshop is a maximum of 3 hours.

Price: $250. per person.


Here is a choice of dates to participate


July 29, 2024 – 1:00 pm -  Book here


September 19, 2024 – 1:00 pm - Book here


The minimum number of participants is 6 people


One-on-One sessions are available


No experience required


The book link redirects you to this page:

Payment method: Interac transfer or PayPal


Note to reserve your place payment is required in advance.


It is possible to organize your group on a date that suits you.


N.B. It is important to respect the sanitary measures in place, if any.



Hello, my name is Christine Tupper, I am the creator of the program The Colours of My Universe.


2024 © by Christine Tupper/ Shamanica Centre de Bien-être et de découverte en soi à travers les yeux des chevaux™ Écurie Shamanica/ Les Couleurs de mon Univers©

©2003 - 2023 Écurie Shamanica / Shamanica Centre Well-Being & Self-Discovery Through the Horses' Eyes / Aromatherapy / Coaching / Christine Tupper

Well-being Shamanica Stables│Workshops with the horses│Coaching facilitated through the horses│Laurentides, QuébecCentre de Bien-être Écurie Shamanica│Ateliers avec les chevaux│Coaching facilité par le cheval│Laurentides, Québec │PNL │Soins énergétiques │Communication animale │Aromathérapie│Aromathérapie pour animaux│Coaching│Coach de vie│Anthropanimal│Découverte en soi│Bien-être│Soins énergétiques pour animaux│consultante doTerra│Huiles essentielles │PNL assistée par les chevaux│Ateliers mieux-être│Ateliers aromathérapie│Pouvoirs féminin│chevaux bien-être│Méditation avec chevaux│Méditer avec cheval│Méditation│cheval│chevaux│Ethologie équine│Écurie Shamanica│

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